Do you have questions?
We've got answers.
What are the rates for your services and how much does a program cost?
Do you have discounts or payment plans?
Are there other options if I can't afford to work with you 1-1?
Do you work remotely and/or online with clients?
Can I schedule and pay for one hour at a time?
Can I cancel and get a refund once I've registered? If so, how?
How many appointments are usually included in program packages?
Why am I charged for hours outside of my appointments?
How long does a typical coaching program take?
What's the difference between Holistic Counseling and Integration Therapy?
Similar to the coaching programs, there is a required onboard process that starts with a consultation to see if we are a good fit for you. From there, your provider will direct you to complete the online registration, where upon completion you will be given a link to schedule your first call or appointment.
Most appointments are 2, or more hours long and spaced out every 1-3 weeks depending on how you process information, and how long you need to assimilate and practice guidance on your own.
- Work with you to mutually create the best plan for you
- Guide, investigate and teach
- Assess risk, challenges and potential future challenges as guideposts to developing and implementing a program and or plan so as to achieve goals without harm or injury
- Welcome and encourage text and emails in between appointments and use our discretion in responding with awareness of time weighed against urgency.
- Cookie cutter, copy and paste programs, planning or automated communication
- Treat or prescribe for medical conditions
- Solve your problems for you or give you answers or quick fixes
- Suggest, advise or implement any methods that we determine to increase risk of harm, injury or challenge to meet goals
- Train or deliver a program without full physical assessment, lifestyle, history and medical evaluation
- Respond to all texts and emails outside of working days and times
What are the client responsibilities?
- Complete registration
- Payment and online scheduling
- Communicate, share progress, ask questions, deliver any/all concerns during an in between appointments
- Complete and return all forms and questionnaires requested by provider
- Practice and perform all exercises assigned
- Follow all guidance/ advice given and reported
- Communicate/notify provider If unavailable to follow guidelines or if you need changes or modifications
- Share insights, progress, concerns and ask questions with understood expectation that provider may or may not respond to text or emails but will always discuss and address during scheduled appointments
- Initiate all communication in between scheduled appointments
What is expected of the client?
- Communicate concerns and ask questions
- Be truthful and forthcoming in all information requested by provider
- Be responsible for scheduling appointments, being on time and canceling within 48 hours
How to prepare and maximize the most optimal experience
- Become familiar with and follow through on your responsibilities and what is expected
- Complete and perform all exercises, assigned work provided
- Email 2 days before appointment with bulleted list of updates, progress, challenges and questions for upcoming appointment
- Get adequate sleep, drink plenty of water, eat healthy, organic whole foods, move your body and expose yourself to natural sunlight at least 30 minutes a day!
Uphold and protect your integrity, safety and privacy
Address your needs by working in alliance with the information you provide
Recognize you and your inherent wholeness and honor any form in which your pain is presented
Refrain from any action or guidance that may cause harm to you physically, emotionally or spiritually
Be honest and truthful about our services, what we can provide, and the time we work for you outside of scheduled appointments
Respect and honor all walks of life, levels of development, cultural and spiritual beliefs, religions and moral interests with compassion and non-judgment
Support and guide you in achieving a meaningful and fulfilling life experience in accordance with your personal dream and stated goals
Refer you out to other providers or services outside of our expertise when/if we identify those needs to be a priority in reaching your desired goals safely, effectively and efficiently